ENG: After 9 years in deep space, the Kepler space telescope is running out of fuel and about to turn off. Haley, a 12-year-old kid saddened by the news, goes to the field to bid farewell to Kepler.
ESP: Tras 9 años en el espacio el telescopio Kepler se queda sin combustible y se apaga. Haley, una niña de 12 años, al ver la noticia sale al campo a despedirse de Kepler.
Director Nerea Ayala, Patricia Fañanás, David Modroño, Iraia Yarto
Script David Modroño
Music David Modroño, Irune Ayala
Voice Sara Castellanos, Flavie Gordobil, Simon J. Davis, Martin P. Davis, Nicole S. Davis, Javier Urkiaga, Karmele Yarto, Lourdes Yarto
Producer DigiPen Institute of technology Europe-Bilbao